Title: 'Emanating'

I cradle love
And keep smiling
While the issue
Never ceases.
Whosoever hovers
In despair
Has but their own
Control to fear.

Reason has forbidden
Soon upon creation
My strongest emanation
To be easily spun and rare.

Like a flash
The future looks so bright
It seems the fire
That is my life
Continues to inspire
For the moon,
And to aspire
By weaving its own tune
Of miracles.

Back and forth
South to North
With rhythmic motions
It forms its notions
So the dancing never ends
East to West
It spins creation.
Attracting other friends.

The most important thing
To recall when I am gone
Is the music that I sang.
Poetry by Rev.Bola <IBEJI>
(copyright: 7.1.12 -ARR)

*Art work by IBEJI, also available for purchase. Please contact us for further info.
Title: 'Invisible'

Am I invicible to you
Or Is there someone here?
Are you programmed to ignore me
Or are you programmed not to care?
How come you cannot see me
Even though I'm bright and clear
I stand here right before you
My heart and mind so bare
So why do you despise me
Why can't you just play fair?
I'm not here to cause you trouble
Or to be your enemy
I just want to have a life
That 's kind and just and free.
We all walk the same warm earth
We breathe the same fresh air
We drink the same cool water and
We all want are honest share.
Its not right for you to judge me
The life of someone you've unknown
When you never take the time
To check information you've been shown
My friend its time to let the sadness
And the ignorance be gone
To embrace the truth
That you and I are one
And one alone.
Poetry by Rev. Bola A <IBEJI>
(copywrong: 10.10.10. - ARR)


_'Black and Bleeding'

Heart naked I lay here
Black and bleeding,
Yet very blessed.
I am reluctant
But not pressed.
I greet you pleasantly.
Without guilt or blame
My terms I name.
Tumultuous is my truth

And not transitory,
I have been taught
To let the tide of tears
Be the speaker that bears
The true story, the real tale
For I am but female.
Almost ancient and ardent
Set apart neither to complain
Nor hide the pain
That I bare with Christ
Never repressed nor forgotten
And mellowed by human plight
My heart rises to a height
Consistent with my conscience.
Deep within my darkest silence
Is where my innocence resides.
I would love to be your 'cheer leader'
But would you let me in, or see me out?
Neither rumbled nor beguiled
I stand beside you, and behind you,
As sweet honey dropping dew.
Steady but not stagnant.
Steadfast and spontaneous
Will be my only response to you.
I am reverential as an angel
Tranquil, and all encompassing.
When alone and abroad,
I am uncovered and hailed
Yet at home, with you
I am hidden and veiled.
Why be so fear-filled?
Hear the voice crying out to be heard,
And screaming, to be honoured by you.
Does it seem so impossible?
Not here, from where I stand
So steadfast but spontaneous.
Never stagnant, ever ready
I would respond to you so steady
If you'd but let me.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Poetry by Rev.Bola <Ibeji>
(copyright: 3Jan12 -ARR)

Title :'JOY ANGEL' /Oils - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola <$55>
_'Cultures United'

It’s impossible
Not to be multicultural
What would you eat?
Which music would you listen to?
How would you speak?
What would you say?
How would you do the maths?
And science
I mean how would your life look like?
If you weren’t multicultural
Would you be here at all?
Indeed how would life be possible?
If you deny it
You are really saying
That you don’t know it
That you are not aware of them
The movement of influences
The multitude of origins
Of the ideas
And opportunities and possibilities
That underscore your life
All the forces of integration
Which have made their contribution
And which have laid the foundation
For your very existence
That you can’t deny
Indeed, you can’t deny your existence
You exist, therefore you are
And your existence is the result
Of the meeting of cultures
Over and over again
Generation after generation
You and people before you
Have invented culture
And made it bigger
They have made more and more culture everytime
And so cultures multiplied
As people multiplied
And opportunities multiplied
As we have more and more choice
About cultures we like
Cultures we can learn from
Cultures we can take on
Cultures we have in common
Every person a culture or more
People cultured
 And cultures united.
© Ursula troche, 8.11 <IBEJI>
