_'Cultures United'

It’s impossible
Not to be multicultural
What would you eat?
Which music would you listen to?
How would you speak?
What would you say?
How would you do the maths?
And science
I mean how would your life look like?
If you weren’t multicultural
Would you be here at all?
Indeed how would life be possible?
If you deny it
You are really saying
That you don’t know it
That you are not aware of them
The movement of influences
The multitude of origins
Of the ideas
And opportunities and possibilities
That underscore your life
All the forces of integration
Which have made their contribution
And which have laid the foundation
For your very existence
That you can’t deny
Indeed, you can’t deny your existence
You exist, therefore you are
And your existence is the result
Of the meeting of cultures
Over and over again
Generation after generation
You and people before you
Have invented culture
And made it bigger
They have made more and more culture everytime
And so cultures multiplied
As people multiplied
And opportunities multiplied
As we have more and more choice
About cultures we like
Cultures we can learn from
Cultures we can take on
Cultures we have in common
Every person a culture or more
People cultured
 And cultures united.
© Ursula troche, 8.11 <IBEJI>


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